Tuesday 14 August 2012

Maybelline Illegal Length Mascara - Whole Lotta Lovin...

Hello again :)

This is Maybelline's Illegal Length mascara and as far as I can see, there aren't many other fibre extension mascaras out there. Just as well then that this is good. Very, very good. Now, if you're a fan of very big, volumised lashes, then this probably won't be for you. But if you love your lashes long and defined, then read on!

The brush

I'm the first to admit that I have too many mascaras. I have 5. doesn't seem like a lot but if it's more than you use regularly, then it's too much. However, before I got this I had not ONE defining mascara (unless you count step one in Bourjois' The Volumizer, which I also have much love for). So I decided I needed one and really there was no question which one I would get. It was the words fibre extensions (ooooh) that got me. And so far, I'm totally in love.

Mascara'ed eye on the right

Just LOOK and the length it gives! I really cannot tell you how much I love this mascara. I haven't tried yet (though I plan to!) but I'm certain you could layer a volumising mascara over this for a really gorgeous effect. I think it cost around €10 - €11, which is quite good considering what it does to ya eyes :D

With mascara

Without mascara

So yes, I do indeed have a whole lotta love for this mascara and can't wait to wear it more!

Friday 3 August 2012

NOTD: Yellow and Gold French Mani.

I'm not sure if I'll be doing a NOTD every week but I just liked this one oh-so-much that I had to share it! And no, don't panic, its not that your vision is blurring, I just couldn't seem to get the right lighting to show it off! Trust me though, it's lovely in real life.

Because of the 100 types of shite weather we've been having on t'Emerald Isle, I wanted to do something that would cheer me up when I caught sight of it, and this does :D

All I did was apply a basecoat, then a couple of coats of Rimmel's I <3 Lasting Finish in Sunshine. Then I applied Seche Vite and left it for about 15-20mins to harden. I tried it without the Vite and only leaving it for like 3mins but the guides I used just took the yellow off! So, I left it for a while, then I used Essence French Manicure Tip Guides to do the tips in Models Own Gold Rush.

And that's IT! It really does put a smile on my face and reminds me that there will be sun, sometime!

Tuesday 31 July 2012

17 BB Cream Review

This is my first ever review of my first BB cream! It's 17's toe-in-the-water of the vast BB cream market. I had been looking into getting a BB cream for a while but was utterly confuzzled so when I saw this I was very excited! 17 is one of my favourite brands and one of the few that I love almost everything in! I swatched it beside my favourite foundation, Max Factor Xperience Weightless in Ivory (its the palest foundation I think out there and a brilliant match for my skin) and it was almost exactly the same so I bought it in a flash.

I have the shade Light and I have to say I absolutely love it! Its replaced my foundation over the last week and I've not been missing the Factor :D This promises to hydrate, blur imperfections and even skintone etc. like all BB creams I've seen and this one definitely does just that! I think it also has SPF15 but I'm not sure and I threw out the box! I was also pleasantly surprised with the coverage it gives. I have no other BBs to compare it to but from what I'd heard and read, I expected it to be very light and best for daytime. However I would have no problem wearing this on a night out either. I apply it onto moisturised skin with my fingers and then dust some Collection pressed powder over it to set.

Soz about the face but any other way I looked about 12! 

It lasts for about 5 hours but don't hold me to that 'cos I wasn't really watching out for when it started to fade
but it lasted quite a while. I think it was under €10 too! So overall I would definitely recommend this BB cream and I really am in love with its flawless ways :D 

I hope you enjoyed my first review and that it was helpful!

A Little Disclaimer.....

Hello there beauty enthusiasts!
Before we get down to the pure fun and craic of beauty blogging, I just wanna say a few things.

Firstly, anything I review is my own and was bought with my own money. If I get sent anything, I will always say so at the start of a post, but to be honest, I can't imagine that happening for a while! So if I'm reviewing anything that's a few months (or years) old, its because I wanna talk about it and haven't had a chance to get it any sooner. However, I will try and only review recent things and not a foundation thats been around for yonks and everyone and their Granny has tried it.

Also, any opinion I have is my own and I haven't been influenced by a brand or anyone else...

So there you have it, a really little disclaimer just to set a few things staright :D

And now onto my first ever review! Woop woop!

Saturday 28 July 2012

Hello World :D

Hey everyone!

So this is just a short post to say HELLO! and tell you guys what this blog'll be about. So as you probably guessed from the title, I friggin love everything to do with beauty, especially makeup! Now, I'm not saying I have a bathroom full of makeup etc. but I literally can't walk past a pharmacy or Boots without going in and just one person has to write a good review of something and I have to have it!

Anyway, so this blog is basically going to be me talking about my favourite thing - Beauty, and sharing my passion and thoughts with other like minded people. Happy reading!